
Homoeopathy is a medical science invented by a German physician Dr Samuel Christian Hahnemann in 1796. Homeopathy is bases on principle of “Like Cure Likes” Which means that any substance in the world if can produce any symptoms in healthy person can cure the person with the similar symptoms.

Worldwide Popularity

Worldwide more than 200 million people on a regular basis uses homeopathy.
In India more than 100 million people are solely on homeopathy for their regular medical care.
In Europe Homeopathy is practised in 40 out of 42 European countries.
10 % of UK population which is an estimated of 6 million people uses homeopathy on regular basis.
In European countries Homeopathy is practised in 40 out of 42.
10 % of Uk population which is an estimated 6 million people uses homeopathy regularly.
The Royal family has used homeopathy for three generations. The Queen has carried her 'black box' of ‘white pills’ on her travels.
France is the largest contributor to homeopathy in the world after Germany.
According to the National Institutes of Health more than 6 million people which is an estimated of 1 million children and 5 million adults in united state of America uses homeopathy on regular basis.
In the world it is mostly practiced alternative system of treatment as per world health organizations (WHO).
Homeopathy works effectively on chronic and recurring diseases hence it is strongly recommended for chronic and recurring diseases such as all types of allergies whether skin or respiratory allergies, Various types of arthritis, Autoimmune diseases, Hormonal diseases, Psychiatric disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension and many more.

Homeopathy also has certain limitations as it is not suggested in critical conditions such as severe infections, accidents, Critical heart and brain diseases.

Homeopathy science is totally different from convectional or other modes of treatment as its fundamental principle is directly toward treating the disease from its root.

In Homeopathy we treat the patient in totality rather than in parts and due to this homeopathy science is also known as a medical science of holistic approach.

What is Homeopathy

Homoeopathy is a medical science invented by a German physician Dr Samuel Christian Hahnemann in 1796.
Homeopathy is bases on principle of “Like Cure Likes” Which means that any substance in the world if can produce any symptoms in healthy person can cure the person with the similar symptoms.
Worldwide more than 200 million people on a regular basis uses homeopathy.
In India more than 100 million people are solely on homeopathy for their regular medical care.
In European countries Homeopathy is practised in 40 out of 42.
10 % of Uk population which is an estimated 6 million people uses homeopathy regularly.
According to the National Institutes of Health more than 6 million people which is an estimated 1 million children and 5 million adults in united state of America uses homeopathy.
In the world it is most practiced alternative system of treatment as per world health organizations (WHO).
Homeopathy works effectively on chronic and recurring diseases hence it is strongly recommended for chronic and recurring diseases such as all types of allergies whether skin or respiratory allergies, Various types of arthritis, Autoimmune diseases, Harmonal diseases, Psychiatric disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension and many more.
Homeopathy also has certain limitations as it is not suggested in critical conditions such as severe infections, accidents, Critical heart and brain diseases.
Homeopathy science is totally different from convectional or other modes of treatment as its fundamental principle is directly toward treating the disease from its root.

In Homeopathy we treat the patient in totality rather than in parts and due to this homeopathy science is also known as a medical science of holistic approach.

Advantage of Homeopathy

Homeopathy treatment is known for side effect free treatment in compare with any conventional treatment available in the world.

1- Homeopathy is a holistic medicine as in homeopathy we treat the symptoms of the diseases as well as treatment of underline cause of the disease without any side effect. In this way homeopathy is a safe gentle and restore the body by itself and improve overall health so that body mind, spirit and emotions of a person can functions smoothly.

2- Homeopathy is good in treating acute diseases like ear infection, sore throat, cold cough, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever etc and also good in many chronic diseases like autism, adhd, arthritis, depression, OCD etc.

3- Homeopathy is extremely safe for childrens even It can be given to very small children has none side effect.

4- In conventional medicine physician just prescribe the medicine in little time spend with the patient but a homeopath has to go into the depth of the case to understand root cause of the problem.

5- In homeopathic treatment medicine stimulates and restores the vital energy to heal the individual hence it is known that homeopathy treatment energized the immune system as well that is why when a person get better with homeopathy never get the same disease as immune system develop immunity for the same disease with the help of homeopathy.

6- Homeopathy medicine can be used as a preventive. In homeopathy many medicine can be given to the individual as a prophylactics so that it can prevent contracting a disease from the people around them suffering with any contagious disease e.g. If a person is suffering from chickenpox or small pox so their family member can take preventive homeopathy medicines so that their family member does not contracted with the same contagious disease.

Homeopathy is Safe

Homeopathy treatment is known for side effect free treatment in compare with any conventional treatment available in the world.

1- Homeopathy is a holistic medicine as in homeopathy we treat the symptoms of the diseases as well as treatment of underline cause of the disease without any side effect. In this way homeopathy is a safe gentle and restore the body by itself and improve overall health so that body mind, spirit and emotions of a person can functions smoothly.

2- Homeopathy is good in treating acute diseases like ear infection, sore throat, cold cough, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever etc and also good in many chronic diseases like autism, adhd, arthritis, depression, OCD etc.

3- Homeopathy is extremely safe for childrens even It can be given to very small children has none side effect.

4- In conventional medicine physician just prescribe the medicine in little time spend with the patient but a homeopath has to go into the depth of the case to understand root cause of the problem.

5- In homeopathic treatment medicine stimulates and restores the vital energy to heal the individual hence it is known that homeopathy treatment energized the immune system as well that is why when a person get better with homeopathy never get the same disease as immune system develop immunity for the same disease with the help of homeopathy.

6- Homeopathy medicine can be used as a preventive. In homeopathy many medicine can be given to the individual as a prophylactics so that it can prevent contracting a disease from the people around them suffering with any contagious disease e.g. If a person is suffering from chickenpox or small pox so their family member can take preventive homeopathy medicines so that their family member does not contracted with the same contagious disease.

Homeopathy – Our Doctor Qualification

A professional homeopath has to go through 5.5 year course ( BHMS ) same as in MBBS including one year internship in the hospital setup.To become specialize professional homeopathic doctor one needs to study Doctor of Medicine in Homeopathy ( M.D ) for another three years.

A homeopath is truly a multispecialist

In allopathy practice one specialize doctor will be able to see the patient from the same sectorfor example a dermatologist sees only skin problems but a homeopath is well trained to treat a wide range of diseases right from common cold to hypertension , diabetes and even diseaseslike hypothyroidism that is why a homeopath is truly a multispecialist.

Myth and Facts

Myth: HHomeopathy produces placebo effect.

Fact: Homeopathy is a proven science. It has been successfully treated in more than 160 cases have seen the countries from more than 200 years. Millions of chronic and acute curative effect of homeopathic medicine so just saying Homeopathic is placebo is totally illogical.

Myth: Homeopathy medicine has steroids.

Fact: It is wildly unreasonable. There are many cases where conventional system of treatment are failure and they say that particular disease is not curable and at the same place when homeopathy treats those diseases completely in a very shortest period of time so they feel that homeopathy medicine contain steroids. But it is not true. First if it contains steroids why patient would didn’t get better even after taking those conventional treatment and second steroids taste slight bitter and homeopathy medicines are prepared from natural resources and are sweet in taste. So this is not true at all. That is why homeopathy medicines do not have any STEROIDS.

Myth: Homeopathy works very slowly.

Fact: Homeopathy removes the diseases at the root level. In chronic and difficult cases homeopathy medicines removes the diseases at the root level permanently hence during that process it may seems slow and long but in acute cases homeopathy work faster.

Myth: Homeopathy medicines are not used in emergency situations.

Fact: Not all emergency situations. In certain health emergencies like Cough, diarrhoea, injuries, cold, fever headache, sleeplessness etc. Homeopathy medicine is used provided one must consult with a qualified homeopathic physician for the correct guidance.

Myth: In homeopathy treatment Coffee and raw onion can’t take.

Fact: Both Coffee and onion can be taken but patient has to keep a gap of 30 minutes before and after taking medicine.

Myth:Lots of restrictions are imposed on food intake during homeopathic treatment.

Fact: Homeopathy medicines are dissolved under the tongue hence it has suggested to the patient not to drink or eat anything 30 minutes before and after taking the medicine.

Myth: Homeopathic medicine are sweet in taste so diabetic patients can’t take.

Fact: In diabetic patients increase in glucose levels in the blood is the main cause hence people believes whatever sweet items they take will increase their Glucose level in blood. However in reality diabetic patient eat anything will increase their blood sugar in the blood. Homeopathic medicine is made up of lactose which is not capable to increase blood sugar level in compare to Glucose.

Myth: Diagnosis of disease is not required during homeopathic treatment.

Fact: Diagnosis of diseases help to understand the disease process and that reduces the duration of treatment also.

Myth: Investigations, Blood test are not done in homeopathy treatment.

Fact: Investigation and blood test are necessary to make diagnosis of the disease and to understand disease prognosis.

Homeopathic medicine are not suppose to take along with conventional medicines.

Fact: Both conventional and homeopathic medicine can be taken together only patient has to keep a gap of 30 minutes before and after taking the homeopathic medicine.

Benefits of Online Homeopathy treatment

1- Anyone from every corner of the world can start their treatment from anywhere, No matter the location of the doctor and the patient. Location barrier is eliminated.

2- This online homeopathy treatment is more beneficial for patients who are physically disabled as they cannot walk properly or they face a lot of problems when they try to walk or move.

3- This saves the most time and money. When you go to any clinic to consult a doctor, you take some time out of your precious time for which you have got to take leave for a day from the job and you travel to the clinic then have to wait in the queue for your turn for consultation but when someone takes online treatment. They don’t have to travel waiting in queue of patients. Cost of treatment is also comes cheaper than direct clinic visits. 4- For those who has a very busy life hardly get time for anything, this online treatment is the best option for them. 5- In online treatment, doctor's talks are done in a very short time. 6- This online treatment is also best for such patients who feel uncomfortable to tell their problems to in front of any doctor like sexual disorder related patients.

Faq About Homeopathy

FAQs about homeopathy:

In the world it is most practiced alternative system of treatment as per world health organizations (WHO).
Homeopathy works effectively on chronic and recurring diseases hence it is strongly recommended for chronic and recurring diseases such as all types of allergies whether skin or respiratory allergies, Various types of arthritis, Autoimmune diseases, Harmonal diseases, Psychiatric disorders, Diabetes, Hypertension and many more.
